Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy new blog!

One of my goals (not resolutions!) was to begin a blog primarily about my work in student affairs. Knowing me, I'll post from time to time about other topics on my mind (probably most often religion or politics, I love to talk about those two taboo topics), but for the most part it will be related to my profession of choice.

And choice it most definitely was. When I graduated from Gonzaga, I had completed a degree in General Engineering, but engineering was the farthest thing from what I wanted to do as a career at that point. I had no idea what I wanted to do, and as a result I took the LSAT and applied to the Peace Corps. Fortunately, as Vice President of the college's gay-straight alliance (HERO--Helping Educate Regarding Orientation), we were engrossed throughout the year in developing a proposal for a LGBT Resource Center on campus. When I graduated, I was able to take on establishing that center for two years through a state AmeriCorps program. My supervisor mentored me toward considering student affairs as a career, and I achieved my Master's in Student Development Administration at Seattle University.

Currently I work in the Office of Diversity and Multicultural Affairs at Green River Community College, supervising the Commencement Achievement Program. We work with historically and presently underserved students to help them navigate the college system. I supervise nine students who work as Peer Navigators for these students, often belonging to similar social groups as their mentees. My idea for this blog came out of my recent plunge into the #SAchat community on Twitter. I have received so much valuable professional development interacting with this emerging group of social media aficionados harnessing this potential to benefit the student affairs profession. This is my chance to contribute back to the community--and student affairs as a whole--in a larger way than my participation on Twitter.

My goal is to post at least once per week--perhaps it will develop into more!

Happy new blog and happy New Year!

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